1943 – Born in Cameroons
1971-76 – Studied Sculpture at Edinburgh College of Art
1976-77 – Teacher Training at Moray House, Edinburgh
1977-2000 – Art Teacher in secondary schools; attended evening classes in Painting and Drawing at Edinburgh College of Art
2000 – Working on sculpture
Royal Scottish Academy (RSA): 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015
Society of Scottish Artists (SSA): 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016
Visual Arts Scotland (VAS): 2012 (The Richard Coley Award for Sculpture), 2015, 2016, 2016
Royal Academy: 2015
The work combines sculpture and photographic image. The sense of space contained within the photographic image works in conjunction with the very real space of the sculpture which is also the viewer’s space. So two of the key ingredients which allow us to make sense of what we see are brought back together in the art work.
Landscape, buildings and the figure are all used as subject matter. The particular choice for a piece of work is dependent on what is likely to provide the most interesting opportunities when sculpture and photograph are combined.
The sculpture deals with the optical, and to reflect this, the lightest possible materials are used in the construction. The photographs are on cotton canvas with acid-free coating or light Japanese acid-free paper and are printed using archival pigments. These images are impregnated with clear resin containing UV protection and backed with resin and glass fibre. Printing is carried out at Glasgow Print Studio and Edinburgh Printmakers.